PRSP Celebrates 67 Years of Service As The Country’s Premier Organization for PR Professionals
The Public Relations in the Philippines (PRSP) today announced that it is celebrating more than six decades of service to Filipino public relations professionals, supporting young practitioners and helping further hone their talents. With a celebrated history that dates as far back as 1957, post-World War II, the organization has been dedicated to recognizing the importance of PR in business and empowering the people that drive it in motion. Composed of practitioners from various industries including business, government, non-profit organizations, medical, education, tourism and other professional services, PRSP aims to “advance the welfare of the Filipino people through dignified, effective and relevant practice of the art and science of public relations.” This mission of PRSP is fulfilled by continuously cultivating PR as an avenue that builds public confidence in an individual or organization, encouraging the study and improvement of PR among the aspiring and seasoned practitione