
SM Cares plastic waste collection drive now in SM Telabastagan and SM Pampanga

SM Cares, the corporate social responsibility arm of SM Supermalls, recently added SM Telabastagan and SM Pampanga to the growing list of SM malls that are part of its Plastic Waste Collection Program. Customers from nearby communities may now drop off their clean and dry plastic waste at Parking D, near the SM Store Entrance in SM Telabastagan, or near the steel deck parking in SM Pampanga, every day from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Plastic materials such as PET bottles, grocery bags, e-commerce pouches, food containers, dishware, plastic utensils, and alike are accepted, except for PVC pipes. Launched in 2021 in partnership with Plastic Credit Exchange (PCEx), SM Cares' Plastic Waste Collection Program promotes responsible and proper plastic waste disposal by making plastic waste collection points accessible for everyone. With this, SM continuously expands its plastic waste collection to more SM malls nationwide. Since its launch, the program so far has collected 14,436.25 kgs of plastic


Del Rosario, Tulfo, and Eleazar gain strong support from Isabela province

Senatorial candidates Monsour Del Rosario, Raffy Tulfo, and Gen. Guillermo Eleazar have joined forces in their campaign, championing their common goal to serve the Filipino people. Dubbed the “New Idols of the Senate,” the trio appeared together in a grand held on May 5 in Cauayan, Isabela – Tulfo's hometown. Although considered newbies in the Senate, Del Rosario, Tulfo, and Eleazar have all made huge contributions to society. Each carrying an impressive track record, credibility, and incorruptible image. Monsour Del Rosario has been in public service for nine years. After leaving showbiz in the late ‘90s, he served as a councilor in District 1 of Makati City for six years, until becoming a congressman from 2016 to 2018. During his three-year-term in the 17th Congress, he passed 292 house bills and resolutions, including the Telecommuting Act, better known as Work From Home Law, which became very useful to many Filipinos workers when the COVID-19 pandemic erupted in 2020. “Monsour g


Huawei: Attracting world-class talent with world-class challenges

Huawei kicked off its 19th annual Global Analyst Summit in Shenzhen. Huawei's Rotating Chairman Ken Hu said that the company will continue to boost investment in innovation to build new products and enhance and accelerate new technologies. "At Huawei, when we talk about innovation, the first thing we think is people. We hope to attract world-class talent with world-class challenges, and work together to push the limits of science and technology," said Hu, referring to the Top Minds recruitment program that the company launched on its website.   "We don't care where you’re from, where you graduated, or what you studied,” he continued. “As long as you have a dream for the future and believe you can make it happen, we want you to come and join us. We provide world-class challenges, a powerful platform, and all the resources you need to explore the unknown." Moving forward, Huawei is taking active steps to boost its business resilience and ensure steady development. "We have to keep th


Skyforge elevates pre-registration with USD 20,000 cosplay contest

PlayPark Inc. is proud to announce that action MMORPG Skyforge is indeed coming to Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Players can look forward to going god mode in Skyforge during the Closed Beta Test this April. To celebrate the coming of Skyforge, PlayPark has kicked off the biggest cosplay competition in the region. Dubbed “Cosplay SEAGods”, the event has the biggest prize pool of any gaming cosplay competition at USD 20,000 with different categories. You can join the TikTok Transformation category if you have a knack for putting together eye-popping short videos to complement your cosplay. Interested parties can sign up here. And of course, the #SEAGODS Battle category pulls out all the stops! This is where you’ll see literal gods and goddesses walking the land! If you think you have what it takes to be the ultimate cosplay god or goddess, sign up here. A pantheon of well-known cosplayers from Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malays


LG receives AHRI Performance Award for fifth consecutive year

LG continues its winning ways as the South Korean technology company has been honored by the Air-Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) with a Performance Award for the fifth year in a row. Established in 1953, AHRI is a globally-respected trade association currently with more than 350 member companies and represents the world’s HVAC, refrigeration, and water heating solution manufacturers.  For the Performance Award, AHRI enlists the services of Intertek, a leading third-party standards, certification and testing organization, to assess if actual product performance is consistent with the specifications listed by the manufacturer. Only those companies whose HVAC offerings have passed the primary performance evaluation for three consecutive years are considered for the Performance Award. A total of 55 LG HVAC solutions across six categories passed AHRI’s stringent evaluation process, marking the third year in a row from 2019 to 2021 that all products submitted by LG


Monsour Del Rosario joins “Angat Buhay Lahat” movement as future senator

Barely a month away from the May 9 National Elections, most Filipinos have already selected their candidates for president and vice president. Based on the recent Pulse Asia survey covering March 17 to 21, VP Leni Robredo and former senator Kiko Pangilinan have advanced to 24% and 15% respectively. This proves that while 3% of voters remain undecided, the general preference for candidates with a good track record and good governance platforms is steadily growing among voters. But the race for senatoriables is still on. For Leni-Kiko voters, the 1Sambayan senatorial block guarantees a senatorial lineup that will support, amplify, and roll into action the vision of the Leni-Kiko tandem for a better Philippines. 1Sambayan offers an alternative to traditional politicians as it brings together 11 senatorial aspirants coming from different origins and backgrounds, but with only one goal to unite the country. Joining the 1Sambayan senatorial slate is eleventh senatorial candidate Monsour De


Shopee cultivates tech talent with overseas training and exposure

Over the last decade, technology has radically changed the way businesses all over the world look and operate. Accompanying this meteoric change among businesses, is the need for different leadership traits. According to Forbes, key traits that future leaders will need to possess include the ability to embrace technology and employ a global citizen mindset. This mindset includes celebrating diversity and understanding new cultures in order to gain knowledge on how to enter and succeed in new global markets. On the other hand, embracing technology will allow leaders to improve efficiency in the organization. Shopee, the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan, continues to instill these fundamental traits into young, tech-driven talent through the Global Leaders Program. This year marks its fourth iteration as it continues to mold tech leaders of tomorrow. The Global Leaders Program is a 2-year graduate program consisting of four 6-month local and overseas rotations


Huawei 2021 Annual Report: Solid operations, investing in the future

Huawei released its 2021 Annual Report on March 28th, revealing that the company had maintained solid operations throughout the past year. As per the report, Huawei achieved CNY636.8 billion in revenue in 2021, and CNY113.7 billion in net profits, an increase of 75.9% year-on-year. The company's R&D expenditure reached CNY142.7 billion in 2021, representing 22.4% of its total revenue, and bringing its total R&D expenditure over the past 10 years to over CNY845 billion. Moving forward, the company also plans to continuously increase investment in R&D. Huawei said, the performance was overall in line with forecast, its carrier business remained stable, enterprise business experienced steady growth, and consumer business quickly expanded into new domains. In addition, the company embarked on a fast track of ecosystem development." Meng Wanzhou, Huawei's CFO, spoke at the event, "Despite a revenue decline in 2021, our ability to make a profit and generate cash flows is increasing, and we


Airspeed's future soars higher on the back of female power

Since its establishment in 1985, Airspeed has endeavored to provide the highest quality of logistics services to customers across the globe and aspired to bring forth rewarding, growth-oriented opportunities to its stakeholders. For more than 36 years, Airspeed has strived, invested, innovated, improved, and evolved to become one of the largest, most trusted, and most successful logistics solutions and express courier companies in the Philippines. Airspeed’s success story is worth telling at this time when the whole world continues to celebrate International Women’s Month. That’s because Airspeed was founded by Rosemarie P. Rafael, a visionary woman who broke stereotypes in a male dominated corporate world in the 1980s.   As Airspeed’s Chairman and President, Rosemarie established and formed Airspeed to reflect her own values as a woman, a mother, and a leader. Being a true advocate of women, 66% of Airspeed’s senior management team are females. Mrs. Rafael is proud to say that the


Monsour del Rosario issues statement on Lacson's resignation from Partido Reporma

Senatorial candidate Monsour del Rosario has released a statement in connection with presidential candidate Senator Ping Lacson's decision to resign from Partido Reporma, which has decided to support the candidacy of Vice President Leni Robredo. I respect the decision of Senator Ping Lacson to resign from Partido Reporma. He is a good man with a sincere heart and an undying will to serve the Filipino people. I believe he can still do many great things for our country and I wish him all the best. As for my candidacy, I heed the words of the great Manuel L. Quezon: “My loyalty to any faction ends where my loyalty to the country begins.” And now I am here to answer the nation’s call for solidarity and join the movement for true unity. Today, I pledge my support to our Honorable Vice President Leni Robredo in her bid to become the next President of the Philippines. I believe that her mission to reform and uplift the country aligns with my own plight to bring about real positive change i